Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Wow...time's already been 2 weeks since I last posted a blog update!  So let's see...where should I begin?  I suppose one big thing on our minds right now is "where?"...where are we going to live?  We have looked at several places, just asking God to speak clearly where HE wants us to land.  I would say the biggest lesson these past 3 weeks is patience!  We are so graciously cared for and comfortable where we are living, but we know we need to get into our own space so we can have our kitties with us and our "stuff" out of storage and begin to settle into life and ministry.  We appreciate your prayers for clarity and provision!

Speaking of ministry...God continues to open doors as Andrew builds relationships with several young adult guys from a nearby camp.  These guys work at Campus-By-The-Sea, a camp accessible only by boat or hiking.  They seem thrilled to have someone whom God has called to the island specifically for THEM!  Many young adults, even in Avalon in fact, are amazed at this - it's very exciting.  So keep them in your prayers as we seek open doors to speak into their lives, that God would provide opportunity and that we would have wisdom.

Also, I (Shelli) have begun to do a Bible study one night a week with a young woman and the first couple nights were amazing - God showed-up in such a big way and is revealing Himself to this precious girl in new and wonderful ways.

The children continue to do well.  Alex had a special week as one of his close friends, Paul, came out and stayed with us.  Paul is part of the missions team for Christian Surfers and is a blessing to Alex and to our entire family.  He was exposed first hand to the work here and served where he could and encouraged us a whole lot - thank you Paul, we hope you can come again soon!

Thank you again, friends, for your continued prayers - we feel they are upholding us and are excited and hopeful as we watch things unfold before our eyes!  I sometimes wonder at how God works...He's called us to minister to the people of Catalina Island and yet, I think so much of the ministry is in our own hearts as we wait and watch and pray.  "May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in You." (Ps. 33:22)  We pray this for you too!!